
Designated Zone & Warehouse Keeper Registration/Renewal

Any registered entity importing, producing or storing excisable goods can suspend/defer the payment of tax by preserving the goods in an excisable Designated Zone. A Designated Zone shall be treated as being outside the UAE for Excise Tax purposes. Designated Zones refer to ‘any fenced area intended to be a Free Zone that cannot be entered or exited except through a designated road and any area designated by the FTA as being subject to the supervision of a Warehouse Keeper’.

When a person registers as a Warehouse Keeper, they must also complete a Designated Zone registration. During the process of approval of a new Designated Zone, the FTA may specify certain conditions over the operation of the Designated Zone including the level of physical security required, the type of access which may be granted into Designated Zones, the checks Warehouse Keeper is required to make, etc.

Businesses that deal with excise items can postpone paying excise tax until the goods are removed from or consumed inside the Designated Zone by using Registered Designated Zones. The authority has established certain rules for Designated Zones.

Bestfolio can help with the Registration of Warehouse Keepers & Designated Zones as a specialist in Excise Tax. Our team will walk you through the process, and our subject matter experts will respond to all of your questions along the way. With our expertise and experience in all types of excise law, you can take advantage of the exemptions from excise laws in the designated zones.